kathy najimy (2013-0)

Kathy Najimy shirtless bikini

People Say:

"Is one of the nuns in this the VP from Scandal?" "THAT'S KATHY NAJIMY."
Excited for Hocus Pocus 2: Rise of the ElderWitch, starring Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, Melissa McCarthy, Tina Fey, Sarah Jessica Parker.
If my friends were the nuns from Sister Act I'd be Kathy Najimy.
Watching Celebrity Name Game and they have Kathy Najimy on and she is terrible at this game, as are the peeps playing.
Shoutout to kathy najimy, for charging half or less what everyone else was charging for selfies. i didn't get 1 bc she'd left, but still