
Mikael Renberg shirtless bikini

People Say:

Today in 1995, played latest game in team history, lost Game 6 of ECF, 4-2 to with Jim Montgomery & Mikael Renberg scoring.
On this day in 1994, Mikael Renberg scored a goal to break Dave Poulin s team record for points in season by rookie w/point (ended w/82)
Om man nu tvingas lyssna på nån av alla dessa experter, så har jag ett namn att rekommendera: Mikael Renberg, SvT:s Hockeykväll.
Mikael Renberg x Tico: my otp
Minns ett reportage i insomnade Inside Hockey där Mikael Renberg hyllade Pitepalt. Den rasistjäveln!