
Phyllis Calvert shirtless bikini

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Happy Birthday to Pee Wee King (d. 2000), Phyllis Calvert (d. 2002), Jean Drapeau (d. 1999) and Jack Palance (d. 2006).
Phyllis Calvert during the filming of 'The Golden Madonna' by Francis Goodman, 1948
Born this day: 1954: John Travolta 1919: Jack Palance 1925: George Kennedy 1915: Phyllis Calvert
IMDb. February 18th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Phyllis Calvert, Billy De Wolf, Laure Marsac, Vanessa Bauche, Jeanette Hain, Joe Simpson.
15 years since the death of actress Phyllis Calvert, Starred in Gainsborough melodramas wearing a period skirt.