
Kim Jee Woon shirtless bikini

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à l'occaz si tu ne l'as pas encore vu, y a A tale of 2 sisters de Kim Jee Woon ;-)
Chan-wook a punto de estrenar filme en Cannes, Kim Jee-woon en post-pro de su nueva cinta y Joon-hoo en pleno rodaje. Glorioso.
" I SAW THE DEVIL (2010) Director of Photography: Mo-gae Lee | Director: Kim Jee-woon
Korea's Kim Jee-woon is making a live-action adaptation of Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade? I'm both confused and intrigued.
Watched Kim Jee Woon's A Bittersweet Life for the first time. Amazing. South Korea produces some of the world's most interesting filmmakers.