
Hugh Duffy shirtless bikini

People Say:

On this day in 1866, all-time batting average leader, Hall of Famer Hugh Duffy was born in Cranston, R.I.
Birthdays 1985 - Matt Carpenter 1983 - Matt Garza 1962 - Chuck Finley 1947 - Richie Hebner 1908 - Lefty Gomez 1866 - Hugh Duffy
Happy Birthday to Hall of Famer Hugh Duffy! He batted .440 in 1894, the highest batting average in a single season.
The manager 1904-06, of Famer Hugh Duffy, born this date 1866.
En 1866, nació en Cranston, Rhode Island, Hugh Duffy, tuvo una carrera de 17 temporadas en las GL que culminó en Cooperstown...