
Dinesh D Souza shirtless bikini

People Say:

There are other vids where they argue why C is better than H. This is Vishal Mangalwadi, Dinesh D'souza territory. Neo-colonial 16/n
Thiel is what fellow rightwing extremist psychopath Dinesh D'Souza would be, if D'Souza had billions of dollars.
Often hard to tell whether Dinesh D'Souza is lying or just displaying his vastly unimpressive intellect.
You are VERY dishonest! PC Marxist tries to DEBUNK Dinesh D'Souza and gets DESTROYED over the MAGA Challenge
Birtherism is racism, plus insanity: Ala Orly Tait, Fox News, Dinesh D Souza, Hank Williams Jr. and Joe Arpaio.