Emilio Mazur

Never be ashamed of having a crush on Emilio Mazur
American, Actor
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3 star rating
Rated by 8 man-crushers
  • 5 star rating He is who he is. An Actor, a film maker, an editor, an aspiring person with big dreams, ideas and talent. He is most importantly..... original. --
  • 5 star rating I know Emilio Mazur from college. OMGosh I found you. IceDancer! I give Emilio a 6 out of 10 for looks and 3 out of 10 for body due to his height of about 5'4" and small build. He has a kind heart so I would rate him an 8. I saw ALL his Barney and Friends movies and he is soooo sweet. He is in television and film here in college and an excellent film maker and a good dancer which he learn from his Barney tv shows and being on stage. The job market for film people is so flooded and I know a lot that have been looking for film tv and motion picture work for about a year since they graduated so I'm majoring in journalism. He has a strike against him unfortunately because he was in the childrens show for so long so directors and producers will view him as little David but certain he will pull through that. Research research research! --
  • 5 star rating Don't deny Emilio Mazur. Griffin0718 has denied Emilio Mazur David from Barney&Friends. Visit and watch my video on Emilio Mazur. --
  • 4 star rating Don't deny Emilio Mazur. Lets see if anyone deny Emilio Mazur. Griffin0718 has denied Emilio Mazur David from Barney & Friends. My vid on youtube. --
  • 2 star rating He attends my university in Austin Texas and he recently did a film project of 15 fps out of lego sets. He did a good job but some said the backdrop was off because there were people standing in the back in a park, its a directors eye which he missed. I've seen him in the student lounge. I have a crush on him and he's in my dorm area. I only recently discovered him and what he did when I Bing him. As far as I know he doesn't brag about his cast role on the show barney & friends he did, I just saw an episode of him this morning while in my dorm of the show. His website has no pictures or mention of him posted. I AM following him on Instagram but not friends with him on FB. I am contemplating on approaching him. I don't know if he's gay or not. I think the posts rumors above are false, he hasn't gotten a girl pregnant so I don't know why anyone would say that! I don't think he even has a girlfriend so that is why I'm wondering. What luck? I am near his dorm room, I Bing him and find out he's an actor. --
  • 2 star rating Emilio Mazur goes to my college and he's in theatre here in Austin TX. I don't know about him majoring in film but I know he wants to become an actor on stage. He has a girlfriend and shes the same age and he just recently changed his FB friends list from public to private because some said he doesn't want others to know who she is, so why hide her? I don't know if she is pregnant by him or some other guy no one has said. His heart can some times be in the right place when he wants it to but mixed stories. And to Selina, what class do you have with Emilio Mazur in and what does gay have to do anything with this site? He does hang with the girls more than his fellow guy friends. But who cares? True he is small, boyish and very hairy and someone did ask him if he could see his nipples under that forest after a play on stage - his reply was it signifies he's a man. Not sure about that. He grows facial hair pretty fast if he doesn't shave. TJ --
  • 2 star rating I know him at my University in Austin. He has a cute face but very thin and small. He is only about five feet four if that, and about 107lbs for a 19 year old. He is very intelligent but lacks the heart where it ought to be for the girls. Rumor is he did get a girl pregnant but his parents are not aware. We guess it was a one night thing. Too bad for her. He doesn't make the money to support her thats for sure. He is majoring in television film here in Austin, his family wants him to become an actor but his place is behind the camera. Hasn't done anything as for projects so not sure where that's going. Some have said he's gay? I don't know. There are gay men in his dorm that have mentioned him so not sure if he's interested or not. Seen him hanging around with other girls. --
  • 5 star rating Querem que eu liste? beleza. diego gonzález teddy geiger jeremy sumpter daniel radcliffe zac efron aaron johnson emilio mazur trent ford --

Throwback Thursday #TBT

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