
John Ralston Saul shirtless bikini

People Say:

J'ai trollé John Ralston Saul. Lorsqu'on a connu l'extase d'être en compagnie du représentant de la reine du Canada, on peut m'endurer
Did anyone else have a john ralston saul summer in their late teens/early 20s or is that just a very canadian thing to say
John Ralston Saul all but dismissing Joyce as an angry man who hated the world is an interesting take, and kind of convincing too
We are living in the midst of a permanent wartime economy. The most important capital good produced is weaponry. ~ John Ralston Saul
NDP gets my vote bc: "Most powerful force one has is her government with its multiplicity of levels and strengths." --John Ralston Saul--