
Prithviraj Kapoor shirtless bikini

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100cities wishes a very happy birthday to Shashi Kapoor, born as Balbir Raj Prithviraj Kapoor on 18 March
Prithviraj Kapoor, Raj Kapoor, Shammi Kapoor and Shashi Kapoor are obvious, who are other 2?
Hey Prithviraj Kapoor( thank you for following me
3/3 It is the biggest temple that could be built or the benefit of the nation. ~ Prithviraj Kapoor, 1952
Directed by Ardeshir Irani , Actors- Master Vithal , Zubeida, Jilloo,Sushila, Prithviraj Kapoor Music-Ferozshah M.Mistri,B.Irani