
Miguel Ferrer shirtless bikini

People Say:

Miguel Ferrer as Death in "Adventure Time" sounds exactly like an older Will Arnett. Too bad Arnett already voices BoJack Horseman's Dad.
Hoy se estrena el pasodoble:"Uceda Leal: la elegancia, el temple y la pureza en el toreo". Compuesto por el valenciano Miguel Ferrer.
And almost most of the villain voices were impressive, my personal favourite being Miguel Ferrer as Vandal Savage.
Me dicen que Miguel Ferrer llegó a ayudar a Shalimar cuando se desmayó al saber que Topy había muerto; quiere continuar el legado de Topy.
Speaking of Twin Peaks: just saw on the living room tv that poor he is on an NCIS now? It s a good paycheck, I suppose.